February Half Term

We boiled hot water using the storm kettle

Making concoctions.

We played a game of bat and moth.

Learning how to use a flint and steel

We made rafts for floating in the stream.

Our clay pancake kitchen.

The children used tools.

Having a go at whittling.

Christmas Holiday Sessions- Here's what we got up to

We made Christmas star decorations from sticks.

Tree climbing

Making sparks with a flint and steel.

Mud, mud and more mud! 

The children enjoyed the stream.

Making the fire.

We cooked snack on the fire

Solving the clues in the treasure hunt.

Making wooden medals.

Some children made Christmas wreaths.


We shared jokes at lunch time.

October Half Term- Thank you Alex Thrift for taking these wonderful photos

We played 1,2,3 where are you?

A good hiding spot

Running to hide....

We were the seekers

Exploring the stream

The children created witched potions

The children made broomsticks 

and flat breads